Why did she reject me? Does she still like me?

Hello. I said to this girl I very like a month ago that I find her interesting and she gave me her number. After that we went out and it was great. We kissed and she was showing signs that she wanted more on that night. But somehow I couldn’t. Iam very much into her and I couldn’t sleep with her on the first date because of that. Some days after the first date I asked her for going out again but she rejected. I was confused has hell. I’m suspecting that she got somehow angry that I didn’t sleep with her on first date. But I fell in love with her I just couldn’t do it. So now she is showing some signs of interest agian. Smiling etc. I don’t know what to do honestly. I like her very much but it honestly hurts. It feels like she now just wants attention
Why did she reject me? Does she still like me?
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