I really love him ! But.. I am not physically attracted to him?

Hello Guys , i thought i could share this story with you because at some point i am feeling really shallow amd i don’t want to allow this happen. I met a guy 6 months ago , we are the perfect match. We went on a roadtrip together as well everything about it was magical , we then met at his hometown and started dating , he is a caring person , the communication is perfect, he listens to me he respects me a lot , he is ready for marriage and wants to get married when we are both ready for it and after some time , he is really good at his job , he is just perfect, our harmony is perfect but there is just one thing i am not physically attracted to him , i really wish this feeling could go because i was never a shallow person and i really always thought that everyone is pretty in their own way , we still haven’t had sex , he prefers if we can keep it till marriage and i am okay with that too. I can’t imaginr us having sex , maybe i do but i just don’t feel it would be something magical or our of this world just like i did with my ex!! just help me if any girl had this thought in her mind how did she get through it?
I really love him ! But.. I am not physically attracted to him?
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