I want to ask her out but her friend was into me?

Two years ago I met two women. Call them Jen and Katie. They are good friends with each other. I really liked Jen and wanted to ask her out. Katie however really liked me and shot her shot with me. I nicely turned her down as I am not into her and not attracted to her. She seemed ok genuinely speaking. I backed off the whole situation for a bout a year. As I didn’t want to hurt their relationship. Fast forward to past few months I started getting into contact with Jen again and it feels so right being into her. Should I tell Katie I like Jen before pursuing Jen? I am thinking it could hurt their friendship if Katie is blindsided? Jen has always shown signs that she probably likes me. I really don’t want to pass up on potentially missing out on a great women who I feel could maybe really click with and potentially fall in love with. I know I am a grown man but this feels like a situation that If not handled properly could end bad. Advice please thanks.
I want to ask her out but her friend was into me?
2 Opinion