Guys, what exactly does it take to make you think your female friend is into you?


Asking bc I've been living through this situation multiple times in my life, with almost all of my straight male friends. I barely make a difference in treating female, non-binary and male friends, except my straight male buddies have made it clear that they like to revert to making advances, no matter how many times I've told them over the past 15 years that I only want to be friends (hello, fuckzone? I don't know). It left me quite clueless what I did to encourage them since I try my hardest to avoid this.

Now, since I can't ask them what made them assume things would be different every new time we start to hang out again, I was wondering how exactly I can treat them differently so they won't get the wrong ideas anymore? Treating them like a friend obviously doesn't work. I have the impression I could bite off the head of a bat in front of them and they'd still think I'd be flirting.

So, what are some common misconceptions you've encountered? Is there anything women / girls should avoid doing in order to not get your hopes up and hurt your feelings? No matter how insignificant you think your specific details are, I'm curious to hear them.

8 mo
What I've gathered from most responses here basically translates to "straight men are slaves to their urges" and hence, incapable to form genuine human connection unless they can fuck the other person? Reads as if it removes their agency to me, to be honest. Very interesting.
Guys, what exactly does it take to make you think your female friend is into you?
22 Opinion