I asked my ex to be friends and I have feelings for him again should I tell him or just end the friends with benefits situation?

I (24) have known my ex (29) for 2 years now we dated for 8 months and moved in together we ended our relationship 3 months ago because we argued too much. when we broke up he started seeing his ex again recently he asked me to work on our relationship again i told him i would have to think about it 2 weeks later we sat down and had a conversation about what we both should expect in the future so i could tell him if i wanted to continue the relationship or not eventually it turned into a argument so i blurted out and said we should just be friends. the next day we had another conversation and he told me he's not where he wants to be in life and just wants to be friends i told him i felt like he tried to start an argument because he knew i was going to make my mind up that day.

i have been having a hard time meeting new people i thought i was over my feelings for him so last week i asked him to be my friends with benefits for a little while and now i have feelings for him again we have been getting along very well lately should i tell him how i feel and ask him to continue our relationship or should i just let it go and end the friends with benefits since he told me a few weeks ago he doesn't want a relationship anymore?

Tell him
End it
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I asked my ex to be friends and I have feelings for him again should I tell him or just end the friends with benefits situation?
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