Is my friend crazy? Why would she tell my I would probably steal her future husband?

Basically we went to a restaurant and our waiter was very cute and my friend and I liked him. She starts saying how cute he is and I say I liked him too. She kinda turned weirdly mad. She was like, "no I liked him first". I was like "are you serious? hahah" Like I don't know why it became a competition? It's not even necessary. She continues saying how "in love she is about him" and my other friend (male) tells her "if you're so in love then go and ask his number". She said "nooo I can't".

Before leaving she told me that we should tip him money individually. She wanted to give him $10 and she told me that I should tip him $30.
(by the way, the whole dinner was 45 dollars)
I was like hell no, wtf is wrong with you?
He would be earning $40, and my other male friend was already paying the tip so it was so weird that she wanted me to pay him again tip
After leaving she was still screaming out loud that she was in love and what not. Then we passed through another hot guy walking and the street and we both found him cute.
I found it funny that we both have like the same standards and out of the blue she says "I don't know, if you keep doing all this you will surely steal my future husband"

My face was like "the fuck?"

Should I stop hanging out with her?
Is my friend crazy? Why would she tell my I would probably steal her future husband?
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