What advice would you give your daughter who's starting to date?

My father never had that chat with me.
He was kind of too invested in himself to offer words of wisdom.
My grandfather recently told me "You have really good qualities as a young woman and you should keep yourself pure until you meet the right person and when you do they should look after you because you deserve the best."
I was almost brought to tears really, I know he's thinking the end is near as he is in his 80s and recently diagnosed with diabetes.
Although it's being managed he worries about me finding the right person.
+1 y
What I find really off is the fact that so many of you especially men claim other men to be crap. If so why don't you talk to them and let them know this behaviour isn't acceptable. Seriously... It takes a village to raise a child... Help your fellow man!!
What advice would you give your daughter who's starting to date?
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