Why do guys reveal their baggage before dating?

So, for the past few months I've been trying to get back into dating after covid. I've been dating guys online because I don't really interact with a lot of single guys in my life.
I've actually met some nice guys. The last date I went on I thought we were doing well.
Then all the sudden he spills all of his baggage... lives with his mother, doesn't plan on moving out, and can't have kids. And would like bring up trauma then be like "I don't want to talk about it" it was awkward.

Then, I met this guy (online), and we're getting along. We seem to have the same views on life. And then randomly he goes, my mother used to beat me up. No context to it. I had even asked him before if he wanted to put everything on the table or let things grow organically.

I don't understand why I'll be talking with these guys, everything is going well then all a sudden all their trauma is laid out. Am I doing something wrong? Is it the guys I'm talking to? And I'm confused, if they haven't really gotten to know me why are they dumping this?

Am I missing something?
Why do guys reveal their baggage before dating?
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