It isn't you, it's me. The good vs bad time relationship dynamic and compromise. Thoughts?

For any person who needs to hear this: You are fucking ENOUGH. Whoever you're on right now and you BOTH deserve someone who thinks you're fucking awesome and truly just loves who you guys are.

And if they care about you during the good times when you're making them feel good and boosting them up and they boost you up, that's great!! But, if the bad times cause distance and sadness and frustration, they might not love you as much as you think.

if they can't seem to deal with you during hard times and love you and at least TRY to be your rock and what you need then that's solid. If they don't, then they may not love you as deep.

We can be head over heels, as women, trying too hard to be everything a man needs (why not, we do it with our girls), but men can be less than what we need or something we don't need that they think we need. That's ok. It doesn't mean they don't love you.

But when you get to a point where he just isn't willing to do what you need, or he gets exasperated, your either not compromising enough or it's time to fucking move on with your life.

It's time to recognize he really doesn't accept all the things that make you the fucking awesome you that you are. If he can only love you for the good times and not the bad, it isn't meant to be. If he runs or hides or is aloof when you really REALLY need someone, it's time to talk or split.

Don't act like anyone can read your mind, be blunt. But keep your eyes open to what you feel you deserve. And if you aren't a stuck up and pretentious ass, the right one will come.

So what do you guys think? If a man knows what you need or doesn't seem to care about what you're going through at a bad time, even if he may also be having a bad time, do you think he might be falling out of love?
It isn't you, it's me. The good vs bad time relationship dynamic and compromise. Thoughts?
1 Opinion