Would you go home?

So I am staying w my log distance boyfriend for a couple weeks and I am honestly so upset but cannot tell if I am overthinking/overreacting or if others would get upset. Basically my boyfriend plays Pokémon go so so much and at first it was fine but now it’s annoying me. He plays during movies, at dinner, and 100% when we go places. we’ve really only gone out to either play Pokémon go or get Pokémon cards and occasionally to get something to eat. Last night we were going to get him some nicotine gum and stopped by a boardwalk and the entire time he looked at his phone. It’s almost like he can’t have fun with me without his phone. It stings because we rarely get to see each other and I know it’s dumb to expect 100% of his time and energy go into me, even though that’s exactly what I’m doing but I did expect him to not play as much. I kinda want to go home because I’ve talked to him about it and apparently he just doesn’t care. I don't know what I should do bc if I go home on bad terms I don’t see myself coming back.
Would you go home?
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