Something changed. She didn't say if she was mad at me or upset or anything. She just gave me the cold shoulder. Why?

I met this girl named Sophie while i was at a friend's house. I was just hanging out, sipping on a beer, me and Sophie ended up playing a game of backgammon and we had fun. She's like 23 i think. Anyway i asked her for her number and we kept in touch very often. We would talk on snapchat a lot, trade selfies, i would meet up with her at bars to shoot pool and drink... We made out a few times outside the bar or at her apartment in her bedroom. Like one time i was in her bedroom with her best friend Jamie. We ended up cuddling on the bed, me in between both of them. Jamie wanted to make out with me and that happened for awhile. I didn't know if they wanted to take things in a different direction cuz I'm an idiot and I can't read minds and they didn't put out any hints. so i basically was just a cuddle buddy.

Fast forward a few weeks later and I met up with Sophie and talked to her. I told her what was going on in my personal life and that i wasn't ready for a relationship, but i wanted to continue hanging out and stuff. She said Its cool, not a problem. A few weeks later I ended up hanging out with her and Jamie at a bar, then at a friends house and then at the lake. Fast forward a few weeks later and Sophie stopped texting me back on snapchat. She used to send me a selfie every now and then, she stopped doing that. And i asked her several times if she wanted to hang out in the evenings. Every time i asked she was either "busy" or it "wasn't a good time." I even asked her to be my girlfriend over text, which she never answered. So i took that as a hint that she's not interested in me, i stopped texting and calling her a few weeks ago and she's never hit me up since. What did i do wrong?
Something changed. She didn't say if she was mad at me or upset or anything. She just gave me the cold shoulder. Why?
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