27F, how can you get over this feeling of being cursed in love?


I sound so dismal but I feel my lack of results are simply bad luck. A lot of people have used the dating apps and had success, I’ve been on and off for a few years. I’m at the point where I don’t have the drive to actively be on them, I reply to msgs now once a day or every other day. I don’t want to hear it’s because I’m shy or my standards are too high, I’ve seen women in my same field (looks/education wise) able to attract the kind of guy I’d like so if they can I should be able to also. I get matches but the ones I like don’t like me back or the ones that want me I don’t want back. I worry sometimes I’ll be 40 and regret all these years I didn’t live it up and was so antisocial. I’m almost 30 and I worry it’s only going to go downhill as I age, physically and guys prefer younger woman. Maybe it could be my lack of sex drive contributing to being single? Honest and serious answers only please

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Didn’t mean to make it a poll
27F, how can you get over this feeling of being cursed in love?
21 Opinion