Ladies, what is your perspective on finances in relation to choosing a guy?

I've been seeing this subject discussed indirectly on G@G and social media. I'm hoping to get some very direct opinions on the matter.

So does money influence how you choose among guys, and if so, what are your minimum expectations and higher hopes for the guy who you choose to date?

I'm also going to ask you to, in a second part of your comment, brainstorm what, from a guy's perspective, should be his minimum standard with women regarding finances. That is to say, what should he be willing to tolorate regarding finances and the women who he dates? E. g. should he tolorate pushing for a detailed discussion of his finances on the first date? Should asking about his net worth be a red flag? i'm thinking about how there are conventions and manners in how you discuss money and careers with strangers, and how these manners may change with dating. Also, what point should he reject a girl for having too strong a concern about money?

by the way this is a ladies-only question, because I'm weary of seeing MGTOW and cynical guys venting their frustrations in opinions while making a host of assumptions and generalizations.
Ladies, what is your perspective on finances in relation to choosing a guy?
Ladies, what is your perspective on finances in relation to choosing a guy?
1 Opinion