Why is my mom saying that she doesn’t want me to get hurt?


She’s been telling me to stop being so attached to my boyfriend of over two years even though we only hang out twice a week so how is that being too attached lol? Do you think that she’s afraid that we’ll break up? We already plan to get married in the future. Also when I’m being too playful around him and making jokes she tells me to stop that he doesn’t like it or that he’ll get tired of it. I’m a bit tired of her and my dad telling me to stop being a certain way because he’ll get tired of me and it’s a bit embarrassing my dad even said “you haven’t lost him yet” he thinks that by me being too sweet to him he’ll get tired of me🤦🏽‍♀️. I’m myself that’s all I can be I’m sweet but im mischievous at times because im so happy to be with him that’s why I always slap his butt lol. I don’t know why my parents are basically telling me to not be myself.

Why is my mom saying that she doesn’t want me to get hurt?
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