Should I assume this guy isn’t interested?


27F, I may sound entitled but from my gut feeling and experiences in life, I know how these things play out on the apps. That’s my only avenue bc I don’t have a social life, I use them very very casually. This has happened a few times where I ask if the guy wants to message on social media bc I don’t check the apps often, they or I give my account info, we add each other & I wait for them to message me. Sometimes they do, sometimes they don’t. From what I noticed in my life even if I take initiative & it usually doesn’t work out, it goes a bit further if the guy makes the first move. I asked a guy Wed about msging on social media bc I don’t check app often, add him on IG, he adds me back, views my story & likes a photo of my dog & I but doesn’t reach out?

TL; DR: ask guy from dating app to add/message each other on social media, he likes photo of my dog & I but doesn’t message me, not interested?

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Should I assume this guy isn’t interested?
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