POLL- Is it bad to have sex at age 25-30? Does your mom get mad for her child age 25-30 having sex?


I’m asking as I have my mom, family, past landlord & moms friends judge me. My mom says I can never have sex only she can have sex and she’s 60. Then her friends live alone & have kids & they say to my mom why your daughter lives alone? That’s strange. Y she’s not living with her mom? She is hiding men in her apartment for sex. Wtf? I have a boyfriend, a partner , I’m not 15 hiding men. Im 25 as well. Y her friends are acting like I’m 15? Unless my mom is saying lies to her friends that I have no boyfriend & not 25. My past landlord had a son 23 & already with a baby. But he was living with her & ex girlfriend living alone with baby. And I was 24 no baby & have boyfriend visit me in my apartment I’m renting. All she did was spy on me. How did her son and she herself have babies? By having sex. Her sons not married. Why she’s so angry boyfriend visits me when her son is having sex younger than me and already has a baby now? I’m so confused.

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POLL- Is it bad to have sex at age 25-30? Does your mom get mad for her child age 25-30 having sex?
15 Opinion