Can a good physique make an average/ugly guy attractive?


Hi there, i was wondering if a good physique might improve my chances with girls. I'm already 19 and never dated or had any girl interested in me.

My face is totally mediocre (if not less). It's not low self esteem... it's just being realistic.

I'm also losing my hair very very rapidly. Again, i know it due to the fact that my trichologist told me.

Having this said, i've got my own interests and my own friends (very very few, tho). I have no problems regarding girl friends (i've got a bit) and generally i can keep a conversation going if i'm interested. My only issue is that i stutter really badly sometimes.

I'm currently trying to improve my physique, considering i'm already tall and pretty sporty too (i've been an agonist swimmer for about 8 years). Whenever i go to the gym, i feel really satisfied with myself and my body, even if 'm willing to get the best body i can.

You already read the question... please don't be trivial saying things like "looks don't matter" and so on, because we all know that personality keeps you in the room but, actually, beauty opens the door of that room.

Can a good physique make an average/ugly guy attractive?
14 Opinion