I'm tired to seek friends, partner and connections... has someone had same similar ever?

Since... a few couple years ago-4 ... I think.. my life, me like human , and me as a girl, my mind, and soul got damaged, worse and worse

Now, I don't have no one

After I felt being used and I was used

After I gave many resources

After I wasted all my time

After I fell like a human , and I don't know how much is my fault

From all it, the lesson was, everyone is indifferent.. they will be there for you just once, or more if you offer something..

And everyone tend to lie just to not say you not fit them totally, but you fit only to take advantage

Anyway, sorry if sound drama
But this is my current situation and conclusions
I'm tired to seek friends, partner and connections... has someone had same similar ever?
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