Guys, This was an actual question from a questionnaire on an online dating site. Of the options, which would you choose?

Guys, This was an actual question from a questionnaire on an online dating site. Of the options, which would you choose?

You've recently purchased some very expensive white carpet. You just came home from work, and noticed the wine on your carpet. You don't have much time before the stain sets in permanently. But just then you look down the hall and see your wife in bed with another guy. What do you do?

A. Clean up the wine, and then take care of the guy

B. Take care of the guy, and then clean up the wine (by then it might be too late for the carpet)

C. Clean up the wine and then join them in bed

This reminds me of questions they put on a psych evaluation test I had to take for a job. (minus the sexual reference, of course) So before you answer this question, think about what the girls reading your answer would want to hear.

Guys, This was an actual question from a questionnaire on an online dating site. Of the options, which would you choose?
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