Can we clock this guy in the face?

Husband Claims That He 'Removed All Clocks' From His House So That His Wife Will Have To Rely On Him To Know The Time

A husband took to Twitter where he was heavily criticized for revealing how he gets his wife to rely on him more. Gary M. Parcel, a theologian and host of the podcast "Men Must Lead," claims to follow a rigid moral code that includes outdated gender norms and the removal of clocks.

My wife and I removed all clocks from our home. I have one watch that I wear, so I can continue to tell time. She can ask me the time whenever, but it grows her reliance on me as the head and the husband to keep her and the family in order.

Can we clock this guy in the face?

As many people alluded to in the replies to Marcel's tweet, this type of behavior borders on being both abusive and misogynistic.

Marcel created a situation where his wife would have to be dependent on him for something as fundamental as knowing the time. It's a manipulation tactic that will only isolate her from a sense of independence and autonomy.

Marcel's entire social media page along with his identity have been called into question, with many people agreeing that his account is simply not run by an actual human being. Some people even pointed out that his podcast and book titles listed in his bio are nonexistent.

Whether or not Marcel is real, his opinions and tweets have garnered reactions from other Twitter pages who agree with his archaic ideologies, which seems to be the problem.

In another tweet, Marcel claimed that the only thing "Christian ladies" should be burning are their sports bras: "The only bras that Christian ladies should be burning, are sports bras. These garments conjure sapphic wailings, as they bind the chests of our women, to dissuade them from femininity. Husbands. Be on guard."

Can we clock this guy in the face?
2 Opinion