Guys, Let me know if you want some dating tips from Gummy?

Guys, Let me know if you want some dating tips from Gummy?

Dating tip 1: When you're out on the town, and you meet a girl you like, don't lead by talking about your tarantula collection. I know it's tempting, but save that for later.

Fred: Hey, do you want to come by my place? I want to show you something.

Gummy: Well, it's getting pretty late.

Fred: It will only take a minute.

Gummy: As tempting as that sounds, I should be heading home.

Fred: I have a huge tarantula collection.

Gummy: A what?

Fred: You know, big spiders.

Gummy: Why?

Fred: Why what?

Gummy: Why would you collect big spiders?

Fred: They're awesome. You wanna see them?

Gummy: Could I just see some pictures?

Fred: No, but if you stop by, you can hold one.

Gummy: Where do you keep them?

Fred: In cages.

Gummy: Do these cages have locks?

Fred: Latches.

Gummy: Why not locks? Two locks would even be better.

(True story. You can't make this shit up) Talk about a silver tongue devil!

I don't want to come across as a spider racist, but I'm just racist against spiders. What does it mean?

Guys, Let me know if you want some dating tips from Gummy?
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