Why Do Some Men Think They're Better At Knowing What A Woman Really Wants? Should We Test That Theory (please read details before reply)?

Why Do Some Men Think Theyre Better At Knowing What A Woman Really Wants? Should We Test That Theory (please read details before reply)?
I've seen it time and again on here, guys that say never get dating/relationship advice from a woman. But then they're giving poor advice like "women don't want the truth" or "women don't want a man who shows emotion"...
So let's see who gives better advice..
Guys and Gals, reply with what you want in a partner/relationship and dating tips about what would work for someone to get you interested in them. But also, like 👍 the advice of others if you agree and dislike 👎 if you disagree. Let's see who knows what women want more "men" or "women"
#gameon play nice 🙂
+1 y
That was supposed to be say what you think "Women" want and the best way to get a "woman" interested
Why Do Some Men Think They're Better At Knowing What A Woman Really Wants? Should We Test That Theory (please read details before reply)?
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