Looking back, does it sound like I was high maintenance with the last guy I saw?


28F, I’ve been single for 5 years. I dated someone briefly for a few months when I was 23 & I felt like I was settling with him which is why I’m glad things ended. He knew he was the first guy I steadily saw but wasn’t romantic with me, he knew what I expected on Valentine’s Day (the cliche stuff). Instead he takes us out to dinner & while he did take pay for most things/paid to take me on a cruise for his bday vacation I just felt like he wasn’t into me enough. That’s one example but he was too eager to have sex (wasn’t willing to wait for marriage) & that was another turn off. I’ve been single since bc I’d rather be alone vs feel I’m with someone mediocre. I am convinced I’m going to end up alone considering no one better has come around since

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Looking back, does it sound like I was high maintenance with the last guy I saw?
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