Unsure if I should date an older guy? thoughts welcomed?

So I met this guy at my Open House. Something unique clicked about him when we shook hands that day and he looked at
me the way no other guy has to be honest. Eventually we connected over the phone a couple times for work purposes and he made a bold move to ask me out. We went on a date and are planning to go on another. On the first date, I learned he is 12 or 13 years older than me. I’m 28 now and he’s 41. He has two kids 17 and 19. I’m a couple years into my career.

We did speak about values and other goals. He mentioned wanting to have another kid in the future. We definitely connected.

My concern now moving forward is age though. I don't know how I feel about dating someone that much older who has kids. I’m only like 9-10 years older than his kids and it doesn’t help that I have a youthful appearance and spirit. I guess I just wonder where to go from here. I have an interest in the guy but there are definitely concerns. Finally a decent guy seems interested in me and vice Versa but now it’s an age gap.
Unsure if I should date an older guy? thoughts welcomed?
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