Is it true that Texan women are amazing? Should I go down to Austin and UT with my friend this summer? What should I know about the people culturally?


Honestly I mean yeah my friend ain’t wrong the girls look great!

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And like it would also be nice to hang around more masculine chill men who don’t have microagressions and get all easily offended by SJW type stuff.

Around here I have to really police and watch everything I say, unless I’m hanging around close friends who happen to be like-minded.

But what would they think of a Northeasterner?

I get that people from Massachusetts aren’t really the best of people but so long as I treat them alright, I would hope they don’t hold that against me.

I was raised in a very traditional Catholic family but I’ve heard they aren’t all like “Get lost Yankee” down there.

I am a family man first and foremost and I never had sex before and I been waiting until marriage trying to patiently find the right person.

I just didn’t know if the Texan women are more into the obnoxious fckboy type like the girls I live around, or if they’re more into the traditional, reserved, but still self-confident kind of guy.

Anyway, am I attractive to them?

If I were to just get the hat, I’d probably look just like one of them haha.

Is it true that Texan women are amazing? Should I go down to Austin and UT with my friend this summer? What should I know about the people culturally?
Is it true that Texan women are amazing? Should I go down to Austin and UT with my friend this summer? What should I know about the people culturally?
3 Opinion