Heterosexuals: If your choices for dating was someone "significantly" older or "significantly" younger, which would you choose?

OlderAndWiser u
Heterosexuals: If your choices for dating was someone significantly older or significantly younger, which would you choose?

The question arose whether guys would prefer to date a woman younger or older, I expressed my opinion, and some whippersnapper" called me "ignorant." So please tell me the answer, guys and girls! Would you prefer to date someone younger or older? (Please assume that the younger person has at least reached the age of consent.)

I'd rather date a signifcanly younger person of the opposite sex
I'd rather date a signficantly older person of the opposite sex
I'm under age 18, and if those are the only two choices, I'm not dating!
I'm age 18-25, and if those are the only two choices, I'm not dating!
I'm over age 25, and if those are the only two choices, I'm not dating!
Select gender and age to cast your vote:
1 y
Always amazed at how many people don't read the question: "Please assume that the younger person has at least reached the age of consent."
Heterosexuals: If your choices for dating was someone "significantly" older or "significantly" younger, which would you choose?
63 Opinion