Am I a complete idiot for unfollowing "single" girls from Tinder who have lots of both guy friends and girl friends in their stories?


Saw one girl that was drinking with three of her "buddies" (two of them were dudes). We didn't match, but I followed her Instagram for about a day only before I unfollowed her. Personally, I see having a guy in any dating photo or even any Instagram photo as a red flag.

Another thing that ticks me off is when the girl has a Linktree or ESPECIALLY an OnlyFans in her bio.

1 y
I usually unfollow because girls don't follow back. (However, several girls have been following me on Instagram because they found me on Tinder's Ig page and no none of them are catfishes or bots)
Am I a complete idiot for unfollowing "single" girls from Tinder who have lots of both guy friends and girl friends in their stories?
2 Opinion