How do I nicely tell him I don’t like it…?

My boyfriend and I have been dating for a little over a month. I like him and he seems like a nice guy. It’s too soon to know how I feel really but I can tell he is the best guy I’ve ever dated. The problem is he has a beard and mustache. Personally I find it a little bit of a turn off. I’ve never dated a guy with facial hair and I wouldn’t have dated this guy if I didn’t like him. However I’m conflicted - one of my mottos in a relationship is not telling your significant other what to do especially with their own body. Also for context I’m a very hygienic person who is very well groomed and I shave my body hair routinely myself.(just to say that I’m not one sided)
And I understand guys have body hair and I like it I just don’t find facial hair attractive. I don’t know how to nicely tell him I don’t care for it and maybe suggest he shave. He is very handsome and is very good looking and I think shaving would only accent his face and features. How can I or should I tell him nicely how I feel but also make him understand that it is His decision regardless. This isn’t the hill to die on but I’d like to be honest with him but don’t want him to feel forced or offended either.

Guys, am I being too harsh with this? Is this too offensive and am I risking ruining our relationship before it has a chance to grow?
How do I nicely tell him I don’t like it…?
4 Opinion