My boyfriend and I had an argument and he hasn’t talked to me in 24 hours now! I need advice?

So last night I was laying on the couch with my boyfriend at his place cuddling with him and talking to him about getting back in school and just generally trying to motivate him. Anyway, as I was laying there I accidentally knocked over his oculus that he had laying on the arm of the couch and I looked over to make sure that it was still in tact which it was so I left it on the floor instead of picking it back up again just for it to potentially fall again so I left it there. As I came back to cuddle with him, he got up and was like, I want to get it off of the floor and so I just went over and got it. And he said something like, “I don’t know why that was so hard for you to pick up off the floor to begin with” and I said that I didn’t pick it up because I didn’t think the floor was hurting it. We had a whole argument about it, and he acted like it was the biggest problem in the world that I didn’t pick it up off the floor after it dropped. So I came back at him and said that if he valued his oculus as much as he was acting, that he would’ve had it in its case instead of on the arm of the couch. And then he said, “how come I can’t have a rule where you just don’t put your feet up on the arm of my couch”. Mind you, he always has his feet up on the couch and always wants me to lay on the couch with him too while we’re watching movies or whatever. So when he said that, it really infuriated me to the point where I said, “I will just leave YOUR place and you won’t have to worry about me creating problems in YOUR place” which by the way is the same place we used to live together in.

Anyway, now it’s been 24 hours and I have yet to hear from him. Every time we argue, he has no problem going all day without talking to me. And it really makes me feel like he doesn’t care about me at all.

What is you guys’ opinions on this? Please give me some good solid advice.
My boyfriend and I had an argument and he hasn’t talked to me in 24 hours now! I need advice?
6 Opinion