Do you think I handled this appropriately?

There was this girl I was talking to. She seemed mad cool, we were on the same page with expectations for a relationship, and she came right out and said she was interested. We had the same boundaries, she was really attractive, not ran through, and laid back. She was busy a lot, she works full time and is a gym girl. So I get not replying fast 24/7. She told me she does whenever possible, and she followed up too. Past few days however she just been extremely distant. Now, me and her already had a communication issue, and I think it was solved in a very open and healthy way. I expressed how I felt like I was on a backburner, and she apologized and explained she got stuff going on, and then it went well for a while. Then it happened again. We set up times to hang out a few times, shit popped up each time. We were supposed to call a few times, same thing. So I called it quits, because it seemed to me she was soft rejecting me. I gave her day to text me, because I ALWAYS text first, to see if she would. She didn’t. So this is what I said:

Do you think I handled this appropriately?
Do you think I handled this appropriately?
Post Opinion