She doesn't care about me?


I'll keep this short and sweet. I've (23M) been dating this person (F21) for the past 6 months. Things started off amazing and I truly saw a future with this person. Overtime, this girl became more comfortable with me her mask began to fall off and the true person began to show.

Almost every single time that I speak to this person they say something that makes me feel jealous or makes me feel bad about myself. They're constantly comparing me to their ex. They're mean and disrespectful. They just don't treat me well and anytime that I bring up an issue, it's always somehow my fault and I have the flaws. It's just really heartbreaking because I really liked the person in the beginning but her true colors have shown and she just isn't nice. To add insult to injury, we started off as just friends and eventually started dating and then started doing a long distance relationship. I was slated to move closer to where she lives every soon but I don't think that I want to be around this person.

This morning I texted her that I was having a really rough go at life lately and I told her what I wanted to do and focus on and she didn't comfort me at all, which is what I always do and if I don't do it the way she wants, she threatens to leave me. She just isn't a traditional woman in any sense of the word but she wants me to be a traditional man.. I really felt like she was different but it turns out that she's kinda just like most of the women that I've met :( and that makes me sad.

I would love for you guys to give me some takes and one what I can do to try and salvage the situation if possible or just let me know a way that I can break things down peacefully. Thank you for reading this! :)

She doesn't care about me?
2 Opinion