- 1 y
Who’s to determine what below average is tho? And see why can guys go based off just looks, but if women do, they’re labeled as shallow or only attracted to bad boy types blah blah…
Physical attraction is important yes but you can be attracted to someone for more than just looks… Lola only go so far because I don’t care how good it looks on the outside If it’s shit on the inside, well shit is shit… Anyone, male or female that goes by just looks and not if they’rea fit for you, or that’s all they have found for them, well then don’t complain later when they’re not all you thought they’d be🤷♀️55 Reply- 1 y
The question is based off looks. Nobody giving everyone a chance to see if their personality is great lol
Well then that’s their loss right🤷♀️
- 1 y
If you are just looking for half a package sure lol
- 1 y
It is women that slate men more for going of looks, one woman even told me i was not allowed to.
Most Helpful Opinions
- 1 y
I'm just here for the comments. Genuinely curious to hear what men say-
As an "below average" female that yes, has approached and asked out guys on dates, can confirm I still get rejected and/or friendzoned 😂
But go on guys, tell me how you wish women would approach you more: no, you only want women that YOU deem as attractive to ask you out! There's a difference.511 Reply- 1 y
I think many guys would see it as a breath of fresh air once in a while.
- 1 y
What are you doing Saturday night?
- 1 y
Good to hear, women are only interested in looks these days
- 1 y
@Guardian45 Same thing I do every Saturday night: raiding on WoW, then going to bed early, LOL
- 1 y
"raiding on WoW"? Pardone?
- 1 y
@DarkLegacy Wasn’t that always a thing?
- 1 y
@Sasha0426 No it is a millennial/ gen z thing
- 1 y
But go on guys, tell me how you wish women would approach you more: no, you only want women that YOU deem as attractive to ask you out! There's a difference.
Welcome to manhood. - 1 y
@Blueeyes81 I mean this in this nicest way... was that supposed to be a burn?
Try harder.
I've been rejected most of my life- that's why I can joke and laugh about it!
I never said men shouldn't reject women, or vice versa- it's called not being attracted to said person.
A woman approaching a man won't make a difference if he's not attracted to her: is it an ego boost? Perhaps. But no, he's not entitled to date her. - New 1 y
Not a burn at all. More of a roundabout pep talk. What I was getting at is that when you approach you get rejected. Rejected way more than you'd think. No one tells you that shit when your young. They say just be yourself and the rest will fall in place. But I'll tell you what sooner or later you do get a yes, and even though it may not work out, its worth it. Its not how many times you get knocked down its how many tines you get up. That all sounds cliche but its true.
For what its worth I have always appreciated you. You're funny. Insightful and cynical. And the world needs cynics. Without them there would be no one to curb optimists confidence. How do you think a parachute was created? It wasn't the guy dreaming of flying. I just wish you'd stop being a cynic with yourself. I'm not good with mushy shit but you need to cut yourself some slack every now and again. You make gag a better place. Now I'm off to be a cynic.
What Girls & Guys Said
1.9K opinions shared on Dating topic. I'm not that picky about looks - I'm a lot more picky about morals and values and attitudes. I've dated girls who were objectively below-average in looks but were amazing girls, and it was never an issue for me.
10 Reply15.7K opinions shared on Dating topic. I always do. If she’s bold and sincere enough to take the initiative, I’ll play along.
30 Reply1.4K opinions shared on Dating topic. Serious Tanthony Chelsea Clinton?
Yeah, I would hit it.00 Reply- 1 y
I would give any girl a chance if she made the first move. You never know who you will click with. Sometimes a girl you never thought of that way can make a move and all of a sudden I see her in that light. With that said it's very difficult being in a relationship with someone you aren't that attracted to. I don't consider myself anything other than average as far as looks go, so I'm not judging anyone else based on solely looks. On the flip side I have tried something based on just the connection and even though I loved her the sex was never right because the physical chemistry just wasn't there. I believe this led to her resenting me.
10 Reply - 1 y
If you're talking 3s and 4s, I have at least grabbed lunch and contemplated a friendship with every woman who has asked me out that wasn't overtly racist or suffered from clear and present danger from her hygiene. If you're talking about a 1 or a 2 that may be harder, but I've never been approached by one of those. Several of those did turn into at least "acquaintanceships", though friendships usually were prevented through other means, namely not having enough in common unrelated to her, as you put it, below average looks.
10 Reply - Anonymous(45 Plus)1 y
Would a woman give a below avg. guy a chance if he were to approach and make the first move? No! So, NO! Nobody gives a s*** about your feelings, your effort, or willingness to put it all out there ok. But that's ok that's thier business. Not everyone is going to dig you. He'll, most people might not dig you. But you only need to find one. And if you're ugly that might take a little longer is all. It's been my experience that MOST people are s*** when it comes to relationship regardless of whether they're attractive or not. So just because someone is attractive and the reject doesn't really mean you're missing out on anything. 😆
14 Reply- 1 y
No but they are approached daily and are numb to it. Apples and Oranges.
- Opinion Owner1 y
Exactly. Which is why I'm selective about the women I choose to give my time to. I only give it to those women that EARN it. But her perceived past rejections are not my problem. Anymore than mine are hers. If she's not healed she should probably deal with that first. The fact that she finds herself ugly is a problem. And she should probably deal with that before putting herself out there.
- 1 y
Nobody said ugly. Nobody said she perceives herself as anything. LOL This is based off your perspective of what's average.
- Opinion Owner1 y
No you said below avg. "Ugly" can mean many things. Yes this is based off your perspective of what I meant.
- 1 y
Well, I once approached a guy. It was pretty funny. So, it was my friend’s birthday this January and I wanted to “gift” him a nice guy.
So, we went to a bar, I quickly scanned, found two sexy guys, later on found out - one was Brazilian one German.
Then bought drinks for them and asked the bartender to give them and don’t tell whi it was from, instead say “It’s from the most beautiful girls in the bar, find us.”
They found us soon haha.
We had a great evening, but both of the guys ended up liking me, so it wasn’t like much of a gift for my friend. I had a nice flirt with both of them, felt good after a break up.
10 Reply Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder ,, what is most important to me is charactor and how we jell get along etc things in common that bring us together not looks ,, so much ,, you can fall in love with anyone if you just see them and whats inside that counts most.. in my opinion
10 Reply- 1 y
I would give a tree a chance if he approached me first
31 Reply- 1 y
- 1 y
First I would have to see her official Looks Certification card containing the "Below Average" designation. Couldn't make any decision without the proof first!
21 Reply- 1 y
- 1 y
I’m not a guy but I am gay. Sure I would! Honestly even though I’m pretty attractive I don’t care that much about looks like yeah when I first meet someone if they’re hot I’ll be like WOW but after a while I just like them more. Similarly if someone’s not supper attractive I don’t really care because after a while all the things I love about them are the things I notice.
00 Reply Unlike women in general that have a "looks before personality" policy, I base my choices on what's inside! It is a MYTH that guys only want to be with the most attractive for a physical hook-up only.
But women prove the shallow opposite for themselves when it comes to dating men based on their actions.
10 Reply1.7K opinions shared on Dating topic. She will have a better chance then if she sits and wait for me. Because I wouldn't make the move. I know how hard it can be to approach someone so I would at least hear her out.
10 Reply- Anonymous(30-35)1 y
Well most below average guys on here will say no anyway so that makes this post pure trolling and the pics chosen are clickbait.
21 Reply- New 1 y
- Anonymous(18-24)1 y
Define below average. Looks is subjective, dude. Stop being so narrow-minded and think out of the box
11 Reply- 1 y
Be nice or be gone.
2K opinions shared on Dating topic. Girl in the pic isn't below average, far from it. And yes, I would, probably. Considering I'm myself below mediocre.
11 Reply- 1 y
That’s Hillary Clinton super below avg lol
- 1 y
Looks are not the most important thing. I would not reject a woman I found less than average attraction if she wanted to talk to me
10 Reply 527 opinions shared on Dating topic. Average is contextual as women in different countries are not equally pretty on average.
Like I might give a under average French gal a shot.
10 Reply- 1 y
I'm not exactly sure what you mean by below average, but yes. I would. I'll talk to her and maybe we would connect. Its mostly about the attitude.
10 Reply Below average according to whom? Everyone has different tastes and preferences. One man may think a girl is “average” while another man may think she’s absolutely gorgeous.
13 Reply- 1 y
Obviously according to the person answering the question.
- 1 y
Exactly right.
- 1 y
Yes, but not that one. Fuck Chelsea Clinton, fuck her and her whole family.
20 Reply 476 opinions shared on Dating topic. You do know this is The Clinton's daughter Chelsea?
When she was younger and recently.
I'm a woman, so no dating20 ReplyYes, why not? Of course, all depends on the personality that this girl has. I believe that beauty, as you say, is a subjective concept. The question is the character of a woman and her attitude to life, what she wants and how. A good woman knows her worth, and she has an interesting circle of interests. I think this is important
00 Reply2.2K opinions shared on Dating topic. No. I am a traditionalist. I never believed in women making the first move and the few times I broke that rule I regretted it. And it doesn't matter if she's above or below average in looks.
00 Reply1.3K opinions shared on Dating topic. First what´s below every average? I don´t like those terms because who determines what´s average?
The answer is yes but I would probably prefer me making the first move in terms of dating.00 Reply- 1 y
For me if I were to consider a woman below average they probably wouldn't be someone I find attractive so I most likely would just friend zone her or reject her.
00 Reply - 1 y
It is possible. You might give her a chance as just friends or as a quick hook up at first. But if you get to know her and you like her for more than just looks, things can advance.
00 Reply - Anonymous(25-29)1 y
Not that one! The Clintons and Bidens should all be in prison.
20 Reply 544 opinions shared on Dating topic. I don't know. I'd definitely respect that she made the first move, but that doesn't guarantee that I'll say yes.
00 Reply- 1 y
i did and we repeated meeting until she got bored i felt i had "the advantage" despite hard to look at ugliness.
00 Reply No way! Only hot girls are allowed in my life. 😅😂🤣 Just kidding!
10 Reply1K opinions shared on Dating topic. Not if Killery was going to be the mother-in-law!
10 Reply- 1 y
I'm not sure how you define below average, but I have dated a lot of women, and the ONLY ones I would call 'below average' are my Ex-biatch, my witch-in-law, and a psycho multiple personality blind date I had one time!
10 Reply 1.6K opinions shared on Dating topic. I don't know, maybe if she had a great personality and wasn't trying to have sex right away. The biggest sluts I've ever met in my life were below average looking. They were seeking validation and acceptance through sex.
00 ReplySure. I think a guys perspective of average is pretty generous
10 Reply5.2K opinions shared on Dating topic. Sure, why not? (women of course will NEVER do this for a below average guy)
10 Reply- 1 y
As long as she is not obese. Other than that one physical limitation, I care far more about the kind of person she is than how "beautiful" she is.
10 Reply - 1 y
She has to pass the "boner test" (meaning she has to be at least attractive enough for me to desire sex with her) otherwise it's a non-starter.
00 Reply - 1 y
. I'd absolutely give an average looker a chance if they were a great person.
00 Reply 1.5K opinions shared on Dating topic. Yes. Character and personality are also attractive.
00 Reply1.8K opinions shared on Dating topic. I wouldn't date her unless she has a home library. Home libraries make people sexy.
00 Reply6.9K opinions shared on Dating topic. not if it was Chelsea Clinton but otherwise I would l
00 ReplyUnfortunately no. A Bold and confident girl is a big turn off for me. I prefer to make the first move.
00 Reply- 1 y
No, unfortunately. Not below average.
But average? Yes.10 Reply - 1 y
There’s more to it than looks if she had things in common with me then the looks would be the least of my concern
00 Reply 2.5K opinions shared on Dating topic. Depends, my intuition is pretty strong, so I generally have a pretty good feel for the kind of people they are.
00 Reply- 1 y
No I don't want anything & don't even like women
10 Reply - Anonymous(30-35)1 y
Maybe, but not if she is related to Hillary Clinton.
10 Reply - Anonymous(36-45)1 y
Don't be shallow bro. Treat people the way you wanna be treated. What you put out into the Universe, always comes back to you."
00 Reply - 1 y
Sure, but not THAT fucking bitch!!
10 Reply 741 opinions shared on Dating topic. Of course. Confidence is alluring.
10 Reply1.3K opinions shared on Dating topic. Definitely, Why not.
10 ReplyThe former Miss Chelsea Clinton no thanks
10 Reply- 1 y
Sure, I would have.
10 Reply - 1 y
If she is below average then no.
00 Reply - Anonymous(45 Plus)1 y
Definitely. Confidence is sexy as f&#@
00 Reply - 1 y
It's happened and no.
00 Reply - 1 y
Well it all depends on her taste and mine 😊
00 Reply - 1 y
I always find it impressive. So yeah.
00 Reply - 1 y
Nope 👎
10 Reply - Show More (8)
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