What do you think of these 7 red flags when you first start dating a woman (like first 5 dates)?


1- She asks you what kind of car you drive. Chances are she knows nothing about vehicles, she's trying to size you up financially, so she can use your resources. Do not go beyond the first date.

2- If she asks you how much money you make. Leave immediately, she is a gold digger. Early on, The first few dates, this means just one thing, "How much can i take from you"

3- She asks if you want children. its a good question down the road, but if she asks this on the first few dates, Run for the hills. Chances are she's a single mom looking for financial support. Its also a good indicator that she has some kind of cluster B mental disorder,

4- She asks what you want in a woman. This is a trap, the translation is "tell me how to act so i can make you fall for me and put a ring on it"

5- She spends the entire first date talking about how much of an asshole all of her ex's were. It means she is on the rebound and best left alone. and if you leave her, she will use your relationship with her down the road as the asshole she complains about to her new victim, i mean love interest.

6- If she ever uses the phrase "I dont need a man" Run like hell, because it means she will treat you like shit, and likely be abusive to you. Women who are truly independent, and truly dont need a man, wouldn't ever say something like that, because they dont need to. Women who brag about not needing men, are the neediest women on the planet, they need men for money, for enabling delusions, to fix things that have moving parts, and for someone to blame when they dont want to take responsibility for their actions and own their mistakes. They need men for all the wrong reasons, and none of the right ones, like love and a partnership.

7- She tells you she is a feminist. Run. Don't look back, Block her, Have nothing to do with her. You'd be better off using a meat tenderizer on your testicles.

What do you think of these 7 red flags when you first start dating a woman (like first 5 dates)?
6 Opinion