Best ways for men like me to go out and meet women?

Best ways for men like me to go out and meet women?

Honestly, I don't have many opportunities to date women. I've relied on dating apps for WAY longer than I should've, and I feel like they're, at best, hard mode for dating. Long story short, I blame myself for relying on them and not putting myself out there that much. I feel like these days, you really have to put yourself out there to really have any chance. I work a decent amount, and I live in the suburbs, so I don't go downtown very often. I'm not the biggest people person either. I don't mind talking to people I already know really well, or sometimes I may comment on someone's cute dog or something. But I'm not a social butterfly either. I've been on dates with a decent amount of women, but I've only dated 3 women total that weren't because of dating apps, and I rarely meet women that really catch my eye and make me want to ask them out. I've seen women that I thought were attractive, yes, I won't deny that, but I guess I prefer to know them at least a little bit first. I once had a co-worker in a different department that I thought seemed really cool, and I liked talking to her. Eventually, I actually did grow the courage to ask her out and give her my number. That situation ended up being very weird though because she actually did say yes, but she never did anything about it. She knew I was interested, and had my number. Way later down the line, she tells me about "her husbands wallet", so then I am under the belief she's married. But that's another story. More details in side comment. I'm not sure exactly what the best way for someone like me to potentially meet that someone special is. If dating apps weren't used for window shopping, female confidence boosts, and hooking up, that might've worked ok for me. But since I'm someone who has a bit of a hard time getting out of my comfort zone, don't put myself out there that much, nor am I really the flirting type, I hardly ever date. Any ideas?

9 mo
That woman in particular said yes and knew I was interested, but nothing happened. For a while, I am under the belief that she just wasn't actually interested and didn't want to hurt my feelings. I promised myself before I asked her that I wouldn't blame her or even myself if she said no. One day, she tells me about how she has her "husbands wallet". After that, I never asked her about it, but I am under the belief she's married and that's why a date never happened.
9 mo
Sure, I question why she didn't just tell me she's married, but I end up moving on. Then one day, many months after I asked her out, and after she quit that job, her parents shop at my store and we kinda talk about that. They tell me she was married, but her husband died. I'm over her at this point, but I still am not sure what her exact intent was. No matter though.
Best ways for men like me to go out and meet women?
2 Opinion