How do you approach dating?

Dating is hard as it is. Seems like no one wants a relationship is one problem. Then, it's about mutual attraction, goals, and life experiences. I'm not finding what I'm looking for. A big problem is how most people express emotions. I don't want to say it's a guy thing, I just date men. I noticed a lot dismiss emotion. A horrible example would be me telling a guy I had a bad day at work and he'll just say it's life. There's no talking about it so to me, everything feels surface level. I don't feel like they know me because we never talk about stuff that hurt us or have deep conversations. This turns me off. I'm talking to a guy now and he did something similar. How do you approach dating if you notice something you don't like? What's the bar for what you're willing to work with or completely walk away from?

How do you approach dating?
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