Would you feel the same if I liked some guys online who weren't as attractive as the good-looking men in real life?


I noctied that i don't feel attractive to guys that are too old looking but i had to be more attractive to men who aren't as attractive. My previous experience with some ex boyfriends was good looking, but they cheated. Some of my experience with some guys online was guys that were more good minded were looking for just friends or Casual dating/Casual relationship. One guy was taller than me and kept asking me if I would like to date a tall guy; I said no, I prefer guys who are shorter. The same word you like to date tall guys. I just blocked him after that. The guys that i met in real life were also too good looking and i wasn't attracted to them as much as guys that were not as good looking men that i met some through online dating. I had some bad experiences with men who turned out to be players. Other men are not suitable. The other type of men I experienced were guys that asked me to look at their dicks pic. Only two of them did this, and yes, I refused and blocked and reported them both. My previous ex boyfriend went toxic, but I met two ex-boyfriends through Facebook. I had 9 ex boyfriends what is your opinion about these types of my experiences from real men to good looking to not so good looking men that I met online?

Would you feel the same if I liked some guys online who weren't as attractive as the good-looking men in real life?
1 Opinion