Do men ever straight up tell women they are turning them down because they don’t find them attractive?


I have had to turn down a few women over the years for this reason (despite liking everything else about them).

It’s tried to force myself to date a woman who I wasn’t physically attracted to once in my life. That ended in absolute disaster. I also left feeling like a pos because I got her hopes up.

But I have never straight up told a woman I was turning her down because I wasn’t physically attracted to her. It just sounds way too cruel. I have alluded to it (e. g. said I wasn’t feeling the spark, she’s not my type, etc). But not said it straight out. I know the desire to feel attractive and getting attention from men is a big deal to their existence (it is for men too even though we don’t admit it)

However I have had woman reject me and say this straight to my face. It was the truth but they could of just said “sorry but I don’t have feelings for” or just “sorry I am not interested”. I would of gotten the hint just as easily. Not need to point the obvious anyhow then necessary.

Women often accuse men of being superficial and cruel. But I’ve observed the opposite more often then once. I think men have generally conditioned to be more “delicate” when rejecting women. But not the same vice versa.

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Do men ever straight up tell women they are turning them down because they don’t find them attractive?
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