Girls, Would you reject guy based on that he has lived "shelter life" and just started everything?


Many people here talks about guy who is sexually inexperienced is doomed. But what about guys who are "inexperienced" in other areas of life? Let's take myself as a example. I am 34m, I quitted my previous "career" and I need to find/start a new one (I just have part time job in my friend's company and I am learning new things there), I still have never travelled (I am so ashamed because of it), I didn't developed any skills/hobbies, however I just started discovering new things recently (music production on laptop, guitar, creative writing etc.), I also want to start going to the gym soon, but like I said I AM JSUT STARTING everything at 34 years old.

Basically all I did in my 20s was finishing two universities (two different degrees) which are useless and didn't give a fuck about them, I was working in media industry (which I hated and I wasn't even good at it) and partying a lot. I had few short term relationships (3-5 months) and few one night stands with attractive girls (people were shocked, because all of them were out of my league in every possible terms).

So am I doomed that I started everything so late? People will say that "it's better late than never", but I am afraid women will expect from me that I should be already more "developed".

Girls, Would you reject guy based on that he has lived "shelter life" and just started everything?
1 Opinion