Why do guys hit on women they don’t find attractive or not that much and expect them to let them sleep with them with zero effort, why so entitled?


They expect them to let them do whatever they want to them with ZERO effort based solely on the fact that they deem them as less attractive than the girls they actually find attractive, eventhough for some of these guys they don’t even possess the qualities/assets required to attract the more attractive girl.

And if the “not that attractive” girl rejects them, they make it their mission to let her know she’s not their type and she has this and this physical flaws and that they’re only settling for her. Like “how dare you” have confidence in yourself type of vibe, you’re not the bomb im usually attracted to.

The girl is always like internally “great, I love myself the way I am, I want someone who sees me as that “bomb” you’re talking about, someone who is actually attracted to me you know. Good luck in your search, goodbye”

But the guys still somehow think those less attractive women owe them everything, while still not being able to attract the bombshell they actually crave, because she’s “out of their league”.

so weird and mean spirited.

Why do guys hit on women they don’t find attractive or not that much and expect them to let them sleep with them with zero effort, why so entitled?
4 Opinion