Hurts to lose somebody when things were going so well. Only about a month in and it seems she lost interest?

I was seeing a girl for about a month, pretty intensely. The sex was great, we had talks that showed what we’re interested in. And she kept saying how much she likes me even over FaceTime and in person. She told me about her ex, that she is still friends (met her at the bar he owns), I said its cool with me long as there’s no funny biz which she assured me, and also told me about a relationship she had a few months back and the guys was nuts and love bombing her. I asked if I was doing that and she straight up said no, but my intentions seem genuine. She then explained things might be moving too fast and that we should slow down. I agreed! Something happened last weekend, where she got very mad at me over some very minor things (aka change off plans and i supposedly didn't say hi to her in a group setting, she claimed i was not hanging with her but she seemed so upset with me so i steered clear before saying goodbye). She had a family passing and I gave her my condolences and this week has been back-and-forth contact. I tried to make plans yest for today, but nothing was confirmed, and she said she was too annoyed by her shitty day. We messaged back and forth briefly today but nothing after I asked her about plans. I think I’m going to keep things as they are now but also be wary to cut my ties if necessary. How do you guys think I should carry on with this friendship/relationship?
7 mo
Thanks for the answers guys. I have OCD and think about the worst possible scenarios. This time I’m thinking her silence is cuz she’s not telling me something like she’s pregnant or something horrible along those lines. We weren’t very responsible and kept saying we should start to use protection because we’re both not ready to be parents. It was very difficult when things were hot n heavy. I’m praying this isn’t the case, and she wouldn’t hold that from me to begin with 🤦🏻‍♂️
Hurts to lose somebody when things were going so well. Only about a month in and it seems she lost interest?
7 Opinion