Why do some women think not having an education or a career is a good thing?


just remember... if you're relying on a man to feed you, he also has the power to starve you. If you're stuck in an abusive marriage, you wouldn't have the option to leave because you know won't be able to feed yourself without him. Without a way to make a decent income for yourself, your life is without options. You are powerless if you can't provide for yourself as a fully grown adult.

7 mo
If you can't provide for yourself, you "need" a man. If you can provide for yourself, you "want " a man. There is a big difference. You can definitely afford to have higher standards when you want a man but don't need one. Don't settle for a man just because you need one. Pick a man that you actually truly want to be with.
Why do some women think not having an education or a career is a good thing?
35 Opinion