Girls, how should I handle this situation? do I just tell her in person and let the chips fall where they do?


so basically i have a good friend of mine who i started dating about 2 months ago. things were going great till we had a dif on something so we were taking a small break. we were starting to get back to where we were and she completely blindsided me.

i haven't spoken to her for a week and she reached out to me yesterday and asked me if i wanted to meet for a drink. like an idiot i said yes but it was more so because i wanted to see if she was going to address anything, apologize, explain things etc... well she didn't however i can tell something was on her mind. things were cool but she eventually asked me why i hadn't called or texted her over the last week. i really didn't feel like talking about it and didn't want to start drama at the bar so i just said been busy with work and helping my mom out who just had shoulder surgery. my question is do i text her and say hey you want to get coffee one day this week so we can talk about why i didn't text you all week. would the following be justified for me to bring up

1) after 14 years of friendship for you to call me a liar and not trust me when I've been nothing but open and honest with you really hurts. also calling me a piece of shit with everything i have done for you and how I've always been there for you really sucked

2) i got blindsided because she said she hated me because i lied. the lie i apparently told her was i was moving to goto medical school but went into real estate. she has known what I've done for almost 5 years, when she said i told her was 8.5 years ago. also even if i did is it really that big of a deal, people change career paths all the time. if you get so upset over something so stupid im concerned about whats going to happen when there is something worth getting upset about.

3) our issue was because im demisexual and because im a virgin by choice she was mad and unsure about things. i found out from mutual friends at a bar we went to a lot when she was thinking she was there with another guy,

Girls, how should I handle this situation? do I just tell her in person and let the chips fall where they do?
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