What do you think about broaching the dating topic delicately with someone I work with?


We have worked together since early COVID. I only see her on rare occasion because we don't live very close and we are mostly remote. I know she used to have a boyfriend, but she's been popping up on dating apps I use lately, so apparently she no longer does. I made a joke about a month ago that she was one of the first people to join a group that I created on an app.

This is not like a "professional" relationship. She hugs rather than shakes hands, when we talk it's very casually, although we don't talk a LOT necessarily. I think maybe the next time she asks me about something, I may just broach the subject asking her if she's had any luck on that app, and if it's no what if I'm like "you know, we could always plan something if you're up for it, but totally get it if you'd rather not."? Open to better ways to word that. Something where I sort of extend a branch, but it's not THAT bad if she doesn't take it. Thoughts? I realize it's playing with fire when it's someone you work with... but yeah.

What do you think about broaching the dating topic delicately with someone I work with?
1 Opinion