If it were possible that is lmao
What is the most you would pay to find out this information?
If it were possible that is lmao
I hope you're not planning on developing an app to perform this service...
🤣🤣🤣🤣 if only
Not when I can buy 5 pounds of ground pork with that same money.
You make a good point lol
Then I can make my own sausage and triple its value, too.
I get it lol
Thanks for the MHO.
Why would you want to know that little bit of information?
It’s all the rage these days man lol
I missed that rage!
No, I'm not interested in her past sex life. But if I was single, I'd pay 10 bucks to find out who her girl friends are and how easy they are. 😎
Is it that hard to believe the answer we give when he asked? I guess some dudes believe if you dont brag about some double/triple digits number like them then you must be lyin 🤷♀️ But sure, pay for it. I’d just trust the guys answer when asking. And for his sake, it probably is better he says some lower number so I won’t lose interest in him: I find myself more attracted to virgins either way
For the cost of a burrito you can get a piece of mind lol
Tbh if i get an answer i dont want, its not a piece of mind. I’d lose interest in someone i really wanted to build something with. I just ask a guy if he's a virgin. If he says no, I’d tell him to not tell me if he's been with more than a handful of people because I’ll honestly lose interest. From there on, its his decision to remain silent, admit he's been with less, or unnecessarily tell me if he's been with more. More than body count, I care more about how long ago he last had sex. If the sex was within the last 3 or so months, i’ll probably lose interest.
It's definitely a possibility, though I'd be more entertained how the person selling the information got their information to begin with. Could very well be a conman feeding the other guy bogas crap for an easy 10 dollars. XD
You gotta admit that's a possibility. Lol.
Probably like a DNA test... use a hair folicle lol
No silly just yank the hair from her head lol
Probably. That is cheap and it would be a quick vetting tool to use when weeding out girls he'd want to pursue for something long term vs. those who've got deal breaker promiscuous backgrounds.
That doesn't exist so it is still up to men to be subtle, observant, wise when doing vetting. As most men know there is a big difference in standards between a short term girl you'll just go out with a few months and a long term, permanent, in love, possibly wife girl.
So if it did exist how many is too many?
Everyone will have differing views on that.
I know that is why I asked you lol How many is too many for YOU?
For marriage it would have been any at all.
So they need to be a virgin? Wow
She was. Not now. We have 2 kids.
Why waste 10 bucks when you can safely assume you are not her first guy for anything? Save the ten bucks and pretend you are blowing fresh packing peanuts off.
The 10 dollars is to see how many men she has slept with not if you are the first guy.
Again, save money by knowing you are more than likely not. The majority of the time you will never be the first guy she has been with in some way, Coach
We already know we are not the first nobody is wondering that... stop trolling lol
Are you not trolling with this question, Coach? All I was saying I ain't wasting my money to find out how many men or women she slept with.
Thanks for the comments
Nope. Who needs that info floating around in my head. It’s safe to assume I’m not her first and if she’s any good in bed then she’s probably got a few more after that. To me - useless data.
So if she slept with 120 men it wouldn't matter?
I’m not unaware that people can change and grow and be different as they learn their lessons in life or their circumstances change. Heck, a chick is hot enough she can sleep with 120 guys in 60 days. Maybe she did that and suddenly realized she was not happy, or got some counseling and set her mind right. Came to Jesus. Stopped drinking. Whatever. Plus, is it not a bit of a paradox that as men we all crave sexy & sexual women yet want to vilify them for being that very same thing?
I think I’d be more concerned with how she lives her life NOW than what she did before, with a few uncompromising exceptions. I’d be far more critical of a history of drug use, or prison time, than consensual sexual encounters.
I could ask for free. Which usually I do.
If you phrase it correctly to not come out insecure about the potential answer you can have them being honest with you.
That being said if I'm in a long term committed relationship with a girl and the option to confirm her count for 10 bucks was available I'd take it since it's very little money and it could be intersting to see if she's been honest with me
I think it's silly, but I think most men on here would like this option.
I'd give deets, but it'll be a bidding war. Men want the info bad enough to make it a fun exercise in capitalism.
It would be a juggernaut of a business lol
You mean like Vehicle Identification Number check if you buy a secondhand car to compare if the mileage on speedometer is right? hahaha
LOL Right
If you paid money to find out that she has slept with all previous date, are you going to date her or if she paid for that info about you would she date you. Cheaper way ask her / him either she/ he will tell you , or tell you to FUCKOFF.
I can sleep with as many as I want only women are capped at a certain amount.
OH OH ! I feel a shit storm coming your way.
LOL they should storm the people who gave birth to the idea... I am just living by what is now societal law
But the same men won't put forth 10 bucks to take her to dinner. Priorities are so short sighted.
I mean women would complain if you spent only ten bucks on her so why not spend it on something that matters 🤣
I'm sure some people would. I personally wouldn't pay a dollar. I honestly don't care. I've had inexperienced and experienced women cheat on me when I deploy, so I stopped holding any belief that it'd change anything.
It is an odd fantasy that a few men hold very strongly - that if a woman has never had sex, that means she won't cheat on him. I think that it actually increases the probability what with the power of curiosity...
Belief in magic like this fantasy is usually the product of overwhelming fear.
Just count the notches in her bed post. If it looks like she keeps pet beavers her counts pretty high.
well that is important info. I'm not the youngest.. i had girls. She is adult had some men... that is logic.. well all have a history... that is what it is... history.. leave it... for what it is..
I personally wouldn't, only because I don't deal with women from the USA, or places where retired guys from the USA like to go to pick up cheap girls, like the Philippines or Thailand. I prefer Latin American ones... and in their culture... debasing oneself for kicks and clicks is a no no... the whole family and town would know about it before the week is up, since the family and community unit there is VERY strong. But most guys... Westerners... oh yes, they definitely would. I'm sure of it. I've spoken with hundreds, coast to coast, about this general subject.
I would pay too. Then pay extra to keep my file hidden.
I didn’t sleep with many people but I want the suspense to build.
@Billlewis 72 men in total. Not many.
I could but what exactly would I need that information for? If I was a girl (or a transgirl) I'd have sex on the regular too. With girls.
It's only for traditional men lol We all know you bathe in whores lol It's all good
The trading papers are the magic lol
Imagine you and me having some cocktails in a huge hot tube full of patayans over looking the beach laughing at all the men on gag ha ha ha
Would they? Absolutely, a lot would. Because a lot think it even matters.
I don't care how many partners they've had. I've only been with three different people that closely.
Truth of the matter is, if she's nice company and talks to me and gives a shit about my day, that's enough. Sex is an afterthought.
coachTanthony, best poster on the site! 👍Such great questions. 🤣
Hell yeah they would!
LOL thanks man...10 bucks is a deal
Indeed it is! 😂
For only ten dollars I would have paid that. But in a small town like this, it's easy enough to find out anyway.
Yes, absolutely. I think many would pay $1000. This impossible, but if you could invent a discrete test that would determine this. You could make a multimillion (maybe billion) dollar company.
If such a service existed they'd be showed under with requests, because research has shown that the higher body count a woman has the less chance of her bonding with a man in a long term monogamous relationship.
If they are that insecure they'd pay anything to find out
No... You're a woman you don't know. You cannot possibly know. Whether a man is insecure or not he prefers an innocent girl to marry. If he doesn't want to marry he'll love her slutty ways. I can't speak for old dudes but dudes in their 20s and even 30s prefer innocence. You know this, stop denying it lol. You're just throwing in the insecure part to attack men.
Yes, most definetly. Men have been obsessing with women's body count since civilisations began.
Generally, exceptions exists or whatever but almost all men would
of course it’d be like running a background check 😂
it just reminds me of that quote from andrew tate that the world would be a much better place if women had to wear their body count on their forehead.
10 dollars to find out if she is worth dating, and I'd wife material? A bargain.
Is it cold in Alaska in January?
Not as cold as it is in February.
Do you really want to know? If you have that special connection it could cause problems and as my partner tells me “your past is your past it’s the present that matters, I know roughly how many women my partner has been with just over conversations and didn’t cost a cent lol and it goes both ways, does a woman want to know how many women he has been with?
How insecure would you have to be?
I mean for ten bucks most would just be curious lol
I'd rather have a pound for every guy she slept with. lol
There should be a service like how Carfax is for cars, we should call it Hoefax.
I'm sure some guys would. I'm not one of them. I could care less how many guys a woman was with
I am not interested in knowing unless we are official and she is messing around.
You could also just... you know, ask?
They could but they wouldn't be satisfied with the answer and think she's lying lol.
So inherently, they just aren't able to trust what she tells them... sounds really good and healthy.
trust but verify with a background check from the Coach lol
That's not trust then
They would pay even more to find out how much of a whore she is. What is a tenner for that?
Absolutely they would pay. $10 to determine if she is wife material or not is a bargain.
That's something I would waste my money on, it's healthier than buying a dime of weed, a future investment perhaps 😂
If she has been with 80 guys then it will be well worth it to find out.
No need to pay anything, it's obvious from merely looking into their eyes. There is even a video showing this...
I'll take 10 bucks to tell a men how many men I've slept before him. Thank you. Next.
I wouldn't pay 5 cents for that information, cuz it really isn't that important. The past IS the past!
Who is honestly answering this question truthfully?
I think most guys that care about this would pay a LOT.
Just ask for the Carfax. It’s free.
Of course, because the stakse for men aremuch higher than they are for women.
10$ is a bargain to know who your dealing with.
absolutely. just to check if she's lying.
No seal no deal 🤝😂😂
Why would they want to know?
So they know they aren’t dating someone who has had 80 penises inside her …simple
haha that is crazy high body count.
Yeah it is lol
What is an ok body count for a girl to have?
That’s up to the man purchasing my back ground check ha
How are you going find out a girls body count for your service?
I'm not it's a joke
You just gave me a great business idea
Sure they would. But the women would do it too.
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