Do you agree with my friend?


So one of my friends has been seeing this new girl that he likes. And one of my other friends suggested to give her flowers at work. And I said it’s not really a good idea to go all out on someone you just met. But him and my friends don’t believe me. They said so it could show the girl that you could give them the world when they’re with you. But I think flowers, gifts, going the extra simp step for them is just going to not work. By the way, this is the same guy whose girlfriend broke up with not too long ago. And would do anything for her. And how did she repay him? Nothing but a cold shoulder. And the friend we’re trying to help out got cheated on before. I believe you should only go the extra mile and above when it’s actually deserving. Like a birthday, or big event in their life. By the way, this is the same girl who didn’t show up twice when he asked her to spend time with us. So she isn’t even that into him in the first place. I think it’s a waste of time and effort on a girl who doesn’t give a shit about you. And this is partially why I’m single too, because I don’t go out of my way for girls who don’t really care all that much about me. Am I wrong?

Do you agree with my friend?
3 Opinion