What did I do wrong? should we stay friends? I grew up in a conservative country so all of this is new to me?

I have this friend I liked her and she said she doesn’t want a relationship and she wants to be polygamous. we agreed to stay friends but we became way less close
2 months later she approached me and asked me if I was okay with her dating other guys because she feels I still like her (true)
But again she wants to be polygamous and still I don’t like this and I only want a relationship
And again we agreed it will never work out (Cause I will never accept polygamy)
Everything was okay until I got drunk in my birthday and danced with her for 3 hours and I could see in the videos she was not happy about it
We ended up ghosting each other for 2 weeks (until she texted me again to go out )
Things didn’t go back to the same way as before until someday she gave me a spare key to her place as the other spare key was with a girl travelling outside of the country

She was also travelling outside the country a week later , so since she was going abroad for 6 weeks I told her we should go out like we used to do
She suggested a Salsa party , then we went to have dinner (I paid cause she started this thing of back and forth payment between us )
We had a walk in which she said that she is open to the idea of a relationship now (I don’t know what changed her mind in just one month but I assumed she met someone she liked , we talked about some funny stuff and joked a little about my basic techniques of picking up girls
At the end of the night (5 hours) she told me that she thought that this was an attempt from me to get her (it wasn’t) I told her we agreed it was never going to work out she said it could have I said maybe for 2,3 months and will break up and never be friends again she said we could have stayed friends you never know
I was so confused and then she asked me if I am okay now with her seeing other guys in which I said do whatever makes you happy it’s your life
I never had close female friends and I don’t know what I said or did to make her think this was an attempt
What did I do wrong? should we stay friends? I grew up in a conservative country so all of this is new to me?
1 Opinion