Does anyone else have this dating problem?


I'm a very good flirt (not in the sense of flirting with anyone for the sake of flirting, but flirting with somebody I'm interested in). I would say I know how to be in a healthy relationship. But it's like I don't know how to get from dating to a relationship unless the guy directly tells me he likes me (or asks if I like him).

I start overthinking and it's like my ability of direct communication disappears if the guy isn't direct either (even though I had no problem being direct prior to that), and partly it's because I've met so many different men (friends whose relationships I know or men I've dated) with such different needs that I just don't know how to go about certain things. E. g. if the last two men had a certain need around space or texting, I'll do that re third time, but the third one will have completely different needs around the same thing.

I'm starting to think the only way I can successfully go from dating to a relationship if I genuinely like the guy if I directly ask about every little thing. I will ask/talk about some important compatibility things (like values), but things that I'm generally flexible around, especially early on, are things I prefer to just see gradually as things develop. But it just doesn't seem to work for me 🙈

Does anyone else have this dating problem?
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