How to prove I’m better than the other guy without being a bitch?


So there is this girl who’s been interested in me for about 6 months, and she’s flirted with me and tried getting me to hangout with her on two occasions but I never reciprocated her feelings

Wasn't until about a month ago that I began to catch feelings back. Sure enough right when I caught said feelings I found out she’s already got a guy she’s been talking to before she even met me. They’re not dating but he’s at her place a lot of nights

I've met the dude in person and without sounding like a narcissist, he’s lame compared to me. Dirty car, dirty ass long nails, I couldn’t tell you why she’s paling around with him considering she’s very attractive but I haven’t talked to her since I met the guy about a week ago

Now that I realize I like her back how can I prove to her that I’m better without coming across as a bitch? I don’t want to tell her I like her now or try hard to win her over. Generally speaking I respect when two people are talking and I do not wanna be that guy

Only thing I can think to do is play it cool and just let her naturally see I’m better I don't know. Her track record with guys is horrible so I doubt it’ll ultimately go anywhere but that do you guys think?

How to prove I’m better than the other guy without being a bitch?
1 Opinion