3 mo

Boyfriend has random girls on his Snapchat. What should I do?


I looked at my boyfriend's Snapchat when he let me on his phone. He is constantly taking his phone with him to the bathroom and stuff, so I got curious. I don't have Snapchat as I find it pointless. I just text and see no purpose for Snapchat.

I saw that he has a lot of girls on his account. Some I know as his relatives. But there are some I don't know at all. Some have flame/fire emojis by their names in his friend book... but they don't appear in his recent chats log. I seen a few flames by names I do recognize too (guy friends/relatives).

I am not concerned about the names I know. I am concerned about the females I DON'T know. Especially after seeing they all have flames by their names. I checked his phone contacts and none of those girls show up on there... so they are apparently strictly Snapchat contacts which is even more odd. There were actually several contacts on the Snapchat list (even males that I do know of) who were not on his phone contacts.

What exactly does a flame/fire emoji by a Snapchat friend's name mean? Does it mean they are in regular contact? If they are in contact, why are they not showing up in his recent chats log? Is he secretly snapping them then deleting the evidence?

I always believed my boyfriend was loyal and not a cheater, but now I'm kind of worried. Especially since I don't know who these girls are or how they know one another OR the content they are exchanging. I also do not use Snapchat, so I want to ask to ensure I even have anything to be worried about by what I discovered. How does Snapchat work and does what I found justify worry/concern?

My boyfriend has said that I'm the best thing to happen to him and says he loves me, but I just don't feel comfortable now at all after seeing those fire emojis by those girls' names.

What should I do about this?

Boyfriend has random girls on his Snapchat. What should I do?
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