Boyfriend kind of behaves a little suspicious at times - what should I do?


My boyfriend overall seems like one of the good ones. He is good to me, has never hit me and hasn't even really ever yelled at me. We've had a couple disagreements, but we've been able to just talk them out instead of full-on arguing which is nice. But sometimes, I wonder if he really does want to stay with me.

He takes his phone in the bathroom constantly, even to shower. If it's charging, he takes it off and takes it with him. He has me saved as my first name and last initial, not babe or something. He uses SnapChat a lot more than texting and does have girls on there that I don't know how he knows or if they even talk. Recently, he had an event and I attended it to support him along with other friends. He told me he mentioned me in the post he made on Facebook thanking everyone who came to show their support. He actually didn't. I was not directly named at all. He had called his best friend out by name and then said and thanks also to everyone else who came to show their support. I was in the last category of "everyone else".

I do most things as well as far as household stuff goes. He doesn't really help. And he doesn't really do gifts/cards. I do. I've given him cards for special occasions as well as gifts when necessary and even some random just because cards here and there. I've never gotten a card from him. He's only ever got me a small bundle of flowers one time.

He has been telling me lately that he doesn't want anyone but me, I am the best girlfriend he's ever had and I will be his last. He told me that he'd never leave me and never ever wanted me to think he would and has also told me if we broke up, he would absolutely go off the deep end. I want to believe him when he says stuff like that, but I get worried sometimes with everything I've been through before. I know HE isn't to blame for a past jerk's mistakes. But I just fear a repeat. I would be sooo hurt if that happened again. I want to keep believing he really is a good one.

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Boyfriend kind of behaves a little suspicious at times - what should I do?
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